Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yoga & The Modern Chaotic World

Yoga is a discipline originated over decades and has seamlessly translated down the years, into a lifestyle. Bringing together the combined synergy of the mind, body and soul, people have taken up the discipline to find physical balance and mental strength. Yoga has become a universal art form for spiritual and physical exercise all across the globe. Even educational institutions have considered incorporating yoga into their exercise routine after observing positive effects with children's breathing, focus, mindfulness and stress relief.

India, being the native home of Yoga for centuries, attracts every western yoga enthusiast to probe deeper in to the culture and philosophy of yoga. The roots of Yoga lie with Lord Shiva; named the Lord of Yoga by Indian mythology as he symbolises the balancing and calming effect of all Yoga Teacher Training practices. One will find holy saints, engaging in deep meditation towards finding liberation, but as time passed by Yoga has spiralled itself into the modern world and become a practise followed by millions. The difference being in the intent of performance, as back then the goal was purely spiritual whereas today yoga is recognised as a form of healthy living.

It is a well known that the level of stress which the modern day man has to face is quite incredible. The increase in stress levels have been the root cause of numerous diseases and has led to the development of life threatening medical conditions in the human beings. Various forms of treatments have been suggested for reducing the effect of the stress levels and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training is one of them. Yoga Teacher Training also works very well as a method of treatment for various ailments and medical problems. 

There are various benefits which the people could derive from the practice of yoga. The spiritual and physical wellbeing of the individuals practising yoga is guaranteed. The exercises of yoga help in increasing endurance of the body. It also leads to an increase in the lubrication of joints and tendons. The human body is made up of a variety of important organs and yoga provides a method by which those organs could be trained for better functioning. That is why Yoga in the modern times holds a lot of relevance. 

Yoga also helps in the detoxification of the human body. This is achieved by channelling proper flow of blood to the different parts of the body. The exercises of yoga involve the massaging of various body parts and also includes the stretching of body muscles which helps in the flow of blood. These are just a few of the physical benefits which the people practising yoga get. The ancient science of India also helps tremendously in the mental and spiritual well being of the individuals. The goal is to find the perfect harmony between the body, mind and the soul.

Yoga is one of the popular forms of treatments suggested and adopted by millions of people around the world. Many have even taken Yoga Teacher Training as it also helps the healthy people to keep themselves learned and updated. It is not only in the country of India that the yoga practised, but also in numerous other countries of the world, where yoga teacher training takes place. The popularity of yoga in the west is also growing by leaps and bounds. Plenty of yoga centres have sprung up in different parts of the world helping the people to learn the different yoga exercises in Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training courses.